Home » Biography: Zbigniew Seifert MAN OF THE LIGHT

Biography: Zbigniew Seifert MAN OF THE LIGHT

Opublikowany: 2011-10-03 09:42:00

Czas trwania projektu: Book promotion was held on 6th November 2009 in Cracow

Biography: Życie i twórczość Zbigniewa Seiferta [Life and Work of Zbigniew Seifert] MAN OF THE LIGHT

Musica Iagellonica, 2009

Hard cover

The publication includes a CD with a unique interview conducted by Antoni Krupa of Radio Cracow and a performance of Jazz Concerto for violin, rhythm section and symphony orchestra recorded by NDR Radio in Hanover in 1974.


Out of print


"I present to you a biography of Zbigniew Seifert (7th June 1946, Cracow - 14th February 1979, Buffalo, USA), one of Poland's greatest jazz artists: a violinist, composer and sax player. He gained worldwide fame thanks to his unique violin technique, which paved him the way to a splendid international career. Unfortunately his untimely death at the age of nearly 33 put an end to his musical projects and to further development. Though his life was short, Zbigniew Seifert has earned a permanent place among the greatest jazzmen of all time with his uncompromising attitude to the creative process and his unceasing search for his own artistic path."

[fragment of "Author's Note"]



Published with the financial support of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation

Herausgegeben mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit.










Prepared in cooperation with:











I would like to thank the wonderful people without whom this book would not be possible. My grateful thanks to: Małgorzata Seifert, Agnieszka Seifert, Janusz Stefański, Tomasz Stańko, Bronisław Suchanek, Jan Jarczyk, Adzik Sendecki, Kaja Danczowska, Marek Karewicz, Raymond Clement, Wingolf Grieger, Stephan Diez, Małgorzata Norek, Marcin Skrycki, Krzysztof Norek, and to my mother, for all their help.



Michał Wilczyński Man of the Light. Życie i twórczość Zbigniewa Seiferta, Jazz Forum 

MARTA JANUSZKIEWICZ Coltrane na skrzypcach [The Coltrane of the Violin], Ruch Muzyczny nr 12, 12 czerwca 2011 r. 

Adam Baruch: http://polish-jazz.blogspot.com/2011/07/aneta-norek-man-of-light-musica.html



Poster promoting the book in "Jazz Forum"